Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Interesting Readings for Dads and Moms...

I have come across two insightful readings recently:

A short article written by a Pediatrician, mother and best selling author, Dr, Meg Meeker on
Why Daughters Need Their Dads?

An easy reading in short chapters e-book written by a Theologian of Korean American descent , mother of three and a prolific writer, Dr. Grace Kim.  Contemplations from the Heart: Spiritual Reflections on Family, Community and the Divine
Really enjoy interacting with all of the parents in the past few months.  Enjoy your Summer by reading some good materials. Please feel free to share in the comment sections or see you all in the Fall! 

Are Our Daughters Equipped to Face the World?

Based on years of research done by the Search Institute, educators and parents around the world are evaluating these 40 aspects of developmental resources or assets to see if our children and adolescents are thriving in the 21st Century.

Developmental Assets

In order to support our youngsters to grow up well equipped and successfully, we need to develop relational skills that best suits their challenges.  Here are a list of tips that will guide you in your endeavors in the coming years.

Developmental Relationships

Enjoy your daughters this summer and engage in:
Plan- Hope to identity what needs to be changed in order to build these assets.
Play- Finding summer activities that the family enjoys in creating positive memories.
Pray- Create moments to be in the presence of God.


Self-confidence comes ultimately from a sense of love from the family.  If our daughters experience acceptance, affirmation, security, and intimacy from their parents, confidence in worthiness and goodness grows.

Three tips to boost confidence:
Why not share it with your daughter, watch and discuss them together.

Self Confidence:  How to be Assertive
Help our daughters to develop more confidence.  Develop appropriate boundaries, speak directly about own needs, direct eye contact, stand up straight, use “I” statement, and practice.

Self Confidence: Friendship with the opposites
Learn how to appreciate differences.  Develop social-emotional skills and managing conflicts.  Start early in making friends not just with similar interests but also with different personalities. 

Self Confidence:  Ending bad friendships
Be able to identify the toxic relationships in our lives.  Reflect on your own “doormat.” mentality.  Set boundaries.  Set action steps and get advice from wise people.