Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Being a Dad...

Dear Dads,

Some of us may have read a book or two on how to be a dad, a few of us may have attended a class for dads, and probably most of us felt like being thrown into the role of being a dad overnight (or not!).   If you had journeyed alongside your wife through those nine months, you might have prepared well. But if you did not, or still wondering what it is to be a dad, or just want to encourage other dads, let's join up and experience the possibilities and privileges of being a dad to whom our sons and daughters long to admire, adore and love.

Being a dad is just the beginning.  Being a community of dads and moms ultimately creates a social and spiritual environment for our children to thrive.  I welcome your participation in this journey of self-discovery and building community.  We are going to focus on our relationships as dads to our daughters in this forum.  Please feel free to share these reflections and insights with moms and significant others in creating an amazing journey for our thriving families.
