Tuesday, March 7, 2017

How to build relationship and influence 1

In our fast-paced and schedule-tight lifestyle, we do sacrifice our relationships and influence.  The first order of things is to rediscover our priorities in these few short years with our children before leaving home.   Our priorities need to be focused on building their emotional resilience, character foundation, and spiritual vitality.  They begin to socialize and discover peer relationships and influences as they enter school.  Alongside their peers, we strategically serve as cheerleaders, mentors, teachers, and friends to the next generation.  One question to focus on is:  "How can I, as a dad, create and sustain a precious relationship and good influences over my daughter(s) in the coming weeks and years? "

The followings are a few suggestions for dad to achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy with our daughters:
  • I can express physical and verbal affections to my daughter appropriately.
  • I can join my daughter in some of her favorite activities (e.g., pretend play, drawing, sports, etc.)
  • I can practice listening for emotional needs instead of just content (practice active or empathic listening).
  • I can model what I say in daily habitual practices (e.g., hygiene, disciplines, communication...).
  • I can say sorry and apologize without excuses.
  • I can pray for my daughter's needs.
  • I can affirm and appreciate my daughter's personality, relational, and learning styles without comparing her to others.