Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Three ways to boost self-esteem:
1.     Do something that you have been putting it off
2.     Gratitude
3.     Treat yourself like your best friend

Self Esteem: Puberty in Girls
Understand the rapid changes in our bodies helps to normalize all the strange and overwhelming experiences that a young girl goes through.  This period requires encouragement from adults and support from peers.  Moreover, a deeper sense of identity needs spiritual input and affirming life experiences.  A young person will then form a healthy sense of “Who I Am.”

Self Esteem: Body Image
Body Image is a common challenge for most teenagers.  It is not easy to live in a commercially dominant, image distorted world.  When teens learn to accept their body and self, it becomes easier to properly assess “Who I Am.”

Self Esteem: Spiritual Experiences
A personal relationship with God is also important in the formation of how our daughters see themselves.  They experience love, acceptance, and affirmation from a profound place in their lives where parents may not reach.  “God loves me,” “Jesus forgives me”, and “the Holy Spirit lives inside of me” become a powerful experience that may transform their perception of self and shape their vocation for life.

Ø  Discover the purpose of life:

Ø  A letter from God to You:

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