Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Perfectionism II (Gentleness and Authenticity)

Gentleness and Authenticity heal perfectionism.

Gentleness and Authenticity heal perfectionism.

Gentleness is defined as “strength under control.”  Gentleness can also be understood as meekness and humility.  Gentle fathers do not force their way or demand with a loud voice.  This inner ability to harness power is a mark of humility.  Gentle fathers accept their daughters’ weaknesses.  They build their daughters up in a kind and caring manner. 

Where does this capacity to be gentle come from?  Gentleness starts from within. Gentle fathers are people who have learned to be gentle with themselves.  Because they accept their humanness and inadequacies, they can identify and accept others’ limitations.  They can slow down, reflect, and take care of their bodies, minds, and souls.  Gentle spirit produces gentle behaviors.  A gentle attitude feeds gentle relationships.   

Authenticity is about being real and consistent inside-out.  When fathers openly talk about their joys and struggles, their daughters tend to be open too.  Authentic fathers model healthy emotional expression when they share how they tackle challenges and pray through uncertain life journeys.  Authentic fathers can say sorry and accept criticisms.  They do not have to prove themselves.  They can be real and not fear rejection.

Daughters who experience gentle and authentic parenting will know how to accept, encourage and love themselves and others.  We can bless our daughters with the gifts of gentleness and authenticity by practicing being gentle and authentic with ourselves first.   

Check out Dr. Brene Brown on "The Gifts of Imperfection"

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